Xperience Digital Art.

This auction brings together a curated selection of digital art using cutting-edge technologies from AI-generated art and holograms, to generative art responding to the foreign exchange market. Each departing from different inspirations and experiences, the sale presents influential names in the virtual space and new projects by artists exploring digital art within their existing practices. These artists include MonoC, the first virtual human and artist; Jacky Tsai, Nick Teeple, Mankind, Grant Yun, William Mapan, Sophia Hotung collaborating with Sophia the Robot, an AI, and more.

Digital Art Fair Xperience

22 October - 6 November 2022
G/F & 1/F, Asia Standard Tower, 59-65 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
Link: www.digitalartfair.io

"Art is a microscope which the artist fixes on the secrets of his soul, and shows to people these secrets which are common to all." - Leo Tolstoy

Throughout the night our mind is not merely dormant; connections are being formed, repaired, and extended. These connections inform our conscious selves during the day in ways we are often unable to appreciate. Insight and growth during the waking hours can be informed by the beautiful transformations that occur in the dark.

Embodied in the present work, this concept of living in the light aims at encouraging kindness and learning to coexist without judgment.

Mankind, aka Rhett Dashwood, is a digital artist based in Melbourne, Australia. Fusing organic chaos with technical control, the artist’s work features advanced animation that oscillates between human desires and speculations of the future. Echoing the pages of ‘Confession’ by Leo Tolstoy, ‘since death is inevitable, what is the meaning of life?’ the artist’s work can be seen as a reflection of society’s collective exploration of the postmodern world. Through his creative expressions we witness the changing notions of life, hope and transitions through an intimate lens.

“Throughout the night our mind is not dormant, many connections are being formed, repaired and extended. These connections inform our mind during the day in ways we often can't appreciate. Insight and growth during the night can happen because of the underlying beauty and transformations that happen in the dark.” - Mankind

Title: Intuition
Auction 1/1: Sotheby’s - SOLD

Exhibited: Digital Art Fair Xperience
Date: 22 October - 6 November 2022
Details: 3840 x 2160, MP4 (76MB)
Duration: 1:02 sec looping animation

Link: Sotheby's / Xperience Digital Art Auction




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